As we do in general practice to hit refreshBundles.jsp to clear out resource bundle cache without restarting the server. Recently, I figured out that it no more works with IBM 8 and throws error message like " no such method exists: cache " Actually, the field " cache " is now replaced with " cacheList ". Moreover, its type is now ConcurrentHashMap instead of WeakHashMap . Change the Java logic of your JSP as below: <% Class klass = Class.forName("java.util.PropertyResourceBundle").getSuperclass(); Field field = klass.getDeclaredField("cacheList"); //Test block check for all the declared fields. Comment out the loop below. for (Field classField : klass.getDeclaredFields()) { System.out.println(classField.getName()); } field.setAccessible(true); ConcurrentHashMap cache = (ConcurrentHashMap)field.get(null); cache.clear(); field.setAccessible(false); %>
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