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File Upload in Websphere Commerce

Websphere Commerce has a inbuilt mechanism to handle the file upload process but it has some limitations with it.
  1. Whenever a File type is present in request object, commerce ignores the rest of parameters coming after that.
  2. The inbuilt mechanism treats the file object as UploadedFile type object. This type of object provides a limited number of options to further process the File Objects.
To  overcome these limitation, we need to use Apache Common Fileupload features to handle the File Upload process for Hanes.

File Upload Basic Requirements

In order to pass a File object in request, we need to make some changes in the Form.

File Upload is not supported by REST or Ajax REST Requests.Icon

Request Parsing

The first step is to parse the request for Uploaded File Objects. And apart from this we need to get the other parameters back to request properties, which is not available because of the limitation of commerce.
To achieve this, we need to have HTTPRequest object. We can get it as below:

Configuring Request Parser

To parse the File Objects, Apache provides ServletFileUpload class. Before it can be used, it needs to be initialized with a DiskFileItemFactory object. And we want to configure this factory before handing over to ServletFileUpload class.
DiskFileItemFactory has some internal limitation of file size available in request. If the size exceeds, it stores the File on Disk temporarily for processing. By default this is System Temp directory.

So we need to provide the Temporary location where it can save the items. And apart from that we need to set the maximum File size limit.

If the File object in request exceeds the max size, a FileUploadException is thrown.

Building the Request Properties

Once we have set everything, we need to get the FileItem from request and rebuild the request properties as below:

Save Image

Once we have re-built the request properties, at this time, it contains both normal form data and File objects as well. We can proceed for saving the file.
Before we actually save the file we need to set the file permission as below:

Ajax like File Upload

As said above, FileUpload can not be achieved in pure Ajax way as it needs original HTTP request object for request processing, provides an alternate to handle this in Ajax-Like way. To achieve this, we need to replace the traditional form submit with

To handle the success and error scenarios, we need to use X_MultiPartAjaxActionResponse and X_MultiPartAjaxActionErrorResponse views respectively.

Related links

Using Apache File Upload: Apache File Upload
Disk File Item: DiskFileItemFactory
Servlet File Upload: ServletFileUpload
Multipart Form: W3 Multipart
Ajax like File upload using utilitydojo wiki, dojo documentation


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